Diocese of Liwolo Annual Report 2020-2021
Messages about DOL
Message from the CEO/Bishop DOL
We give our good God all the glory!! Despite COVID19, massive displacement or eviction of our people, hard refugee life, invasion of cattle herders ravaging the war survivors even with their very little they had, all ways living in food shortage, poverty and no school for children. We have the testimony to tell to the world about our God in Jesus Christ; “O taste and see that the LORD is good; His lovingkindness is everlasting and His faithfulness to all generations. How blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him!” (Psalms 34:8, 100:5)
In the gospel of John chapter 6, we’re told, Jesus used the generosity of a small boy of his five loaves and two fishes to feed the hungry five thousand men. We are indebted to CRESS-UK, Flame International, Kuku community in diaspora, Barnabas funds Uganda, World Vision Uganda, South Sudan Relief and Rehabilitation Commission in Juba, and precept ministry international among others for your generosity not only of prayers, but more so your materials, and financial support that has come to God as sweet aroma and He has fed not only five thousands but triple,15,000 vulnerable persons for months, provide non-food items to 17,825 beneficiaries, educate 70 students and pupils through the home and school learning, 11,424 treated annual in Jehovah Rapha Clinic, 4 young men rescued from false accusation and were facing deportation, thousands of mosquito nets provided to mothers, Armed oppositions and government soldiers reached with Gospel of Jesus Christ and turn to God and thousands of souls both Ugandan and South Sudan heard the Gospel despite the lockdown due to COVID 19 through our innovative community laud hailers.
You are and you will still be heroes and heroines in transforming the lives of south Sudanese refugees in Uganda and internally displaced persons in South Sudan from despair to hope, from Ashes to glory, from poverty to prosperity, from war ravaging nation to peaceful, united and strong nation through our partnership in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Without you, we could do nothing.
In a very special way, we cannot thank Caroline Lamb, CRESS-UK founder, and CEO for her true friendship. A true friend is that friend who stick with you in a difficult time. We could not imagine what life with you will look like this. You are truly a gift of God.
We are delighted to present to you our annual report that covers pastoral/spiritual, relief, education, healthcare, agriculture, microfinance or village saving loan association(VSLA), highlights of management and administration of the diocese, and financial annual and audit report of three years among others as feedback and accountability to you our esteem and potential partners, the internal Archbishop of central Equatoria and primate and Archbishop of the province of the Episcopal Church of South Sudan.
Message from Lieutenant Colonel (Retired) Jan Ransom MBE of Flame International
I have known Caroline Lamb since 2008 and invited her to come to Kajo Keji, South Sudan in 2009 and I witnessed her passion to help the very poorest in the world. She was quick to assess the needs and set priorities for humanitarian assistance for the people of South Sudan. She returned with us the following year, strengthening relationships, and continuing her research. The next year she founded CRESS and when Flame International returned to Kajo Keji, we met many who were benefitting from the assistance that they were offering, particularly in payment of school fees for children. This had a huge impact on the community.
Over the years we have maintained good relationships not only with Caroline but also with her team leader on the ground, the Rt Revd Bishop Joseph Aba, who is now Bishop of Liwolo Diocese working out of Imvepi Camp near Arua, Uganda. We have returned to Kajo Keji but have also worked in the refugee camps. Bishop Joseph is one of the most inspiring, hardworking, and dedicated Bishops that we have worked with. He has an excellent understanding of the requirements for the people of South Sudan and how to make things work for the benefit of the people whom he leads in his Diocese. He is utterly trustworthy and filled with integrity and ensures the smooth running of CRESS on the ground in Arua.
We completely trust the team in CRESS and we as an organization give occasional donations because we know that the money is well spent. We have seen the fruit of the work and have heard the enthusiasm and grateful thanks from the recipients of the assistance. CRESS has widened its portfolio to offer health care, agriculture, and financial savings groups, as well as its own education projects.
I strongly endorse the work of CRESS, and I commend them for all the work they have achieved since 2011, I have witnessed first-hand their success.
Message from Venerable Jacob Karaba
I am so privileged to write this on behalf of the faithful of Imvepi Refugee’s settlement, home of 68,029 thousand South Sudanese people and very few Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) refugees, 82 percent of the total population are women and children. In the wisdom of the church of Uganda, in collaboration with the leadership of the Episcopal Church of South Sudan, the settlement was entrusted to pastoral responsibility of the Episcopal Diocese of Liwolo, under Rt Rev Joseph Nicanor Aba, the diocesan Bishop of Liwolo.
The Anglican church formed the largest population in the settlement from various dioceses of the Episcopal Church of South Sudan, under the care of a presiding priest who report to the bishop of the diocese of Liwolo. We deeply appreciate the great work of God through the diocese of Liwolo in carrying the vision of being “Christ-Centered, holy spirit filled and holistically transformed lives and communities.
The diocese played active roles in providing to the refuges, holistic pastoral care for traumatic populations, capacity building, educational scholarship, clergy and leadership support, health services, vegetables and fruits growing, village savings and loan association, Covid 19 pandemic food and WAH support and dissemination of COVID 19 awareness through the establishment of Laud hailers that also aid in evangelism and discipleship.
The leadership of the settlement and the entire population of the refugees glorify God and thank the leadership of the diocese of Liwolo, Rt Rev Joseph Nicanor Aba, partners, friends of the diocese, and staff for their love and service that have not only restored hope but have transformed lives. You have set a model of what it means to be Christian and church; loving people and uniting people and bringing healing to the nation.
Message from LC III Chairperson of Kerwa Subcounty, Yumbe District
Mr. Abajo Moses, the Local council III Kerwa Sub-County – Yumbe district (Uganda government representative) had this message about the DOL clinic performance;
‘’Jehovah Rapha Clinic (JRC)’ achievements in this two years period have emerged out of hard work and sacrifices from all the clinic staff as we have witnessed here on daily basis – the administration of Diocese of Liwolo with its donors (CRESS UK) have committed staffs that form a strong health care delivery team in this Sub-County. Without this clinic, I cannot really tell the number of pregnant mothers, newborn babies and other patients with complicated cases we would have lost in Kerwa Sub-County and even across the
border (South Sudan) – therefore, allow me to say ‘’the Kerwa of today is quite different from the Kerwa of 2016’’ because of this clinic. I have received so many words of thanks from the Yumbe district Health office regarding the quality of services provided by the Jehovah Rapha clinic each time we have meetings at the District level – all this has made me gain weight as I move with full confidence.
Therefore, the administration of Kerwa Sub-County under my leadership is so committed to providing maximum security to all the assets of the clinic including other projects implemented by the diocese of Liwolo, and as will warmly welcome and support any new future developmental plans.
Lastly, I will be so pleased to see the brother (X-rays machine) of this clinic scanner which has not only helped the clinicians at the clinic but also helped our clinicians at Kerwa H/C III especially the midwives in taking a quick decision being brought on the ground – before, I wouldn’t believe a Sub- County like Kerwa will have a scanner even when there was a huge demand for it but through God’s directives, it happened. Therefore, thank you so much for coming to our rescue. May God keep you all safe’’
The Strategic Themes and objectives of the Episcopal Diocese of Liwolo (EDOL)
We uphold a philosophy of “the whole gospel for the whole man” for holistic transformation of the whole person and the community we serve.
Theme#1 Mission, discipleship, and outreach
- Discipleship and evangelism; reaching out to lost souls, nurturing, growing believers to maturity in Christ Jesus, and transforming every Christian to Make disciples through bible study groups, cell groups, and household fellowships.
- Worship: passionate to worship God in spirit and truth (John 4:24).
- Youth and Children Ministry: it is internal and strategic to focus deliberately to reach and holistically discipling youths and children for a strong, healthy, and vibrant church and community
- Mothers’ Union and Young Christian Families: transformed holistically marriages and families with Christian faith and values.
Theme#2: Socioeconomic Empowerment for sustainable development (SESD)
- Sustainable livelihood: The goal is to empower the poor rural household through modern agriculture and in order to increase production and household income.
- Education: we envision improving the quality and access to Education for poor rural and refugee children in order to thrive
- Health care: envision healthy, happy, and thriving community with improved access to quality healthcare by strengthening and equipping Jehovah Rapha Clinic with competent staff, a modern laboratory, and a community outreach program
▪ To see children healed from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and living productive lives.
- Peacebuilding, reconciliation, and Healing: Grassroots peacebuilding, healing, forgiveness, reconciliation, and justice are fundamental for post-conflict community recovery, rebuilding, and transformation.
Theme#3: To enhance Human and physical capacity building
- Human capacity building: to develop the human capital of the diocese and the nation in all fields of professionalism.
- Intuitional development: building a very strong diocese through developed rule of law, constitution, and policies that enhance transparency, accountability, and good governance and management.
- Physical infrastructure rebuilding: rebuild the ruins of war-ravaged all church and community infrastructures
Milestones, Statistics, Awards, and Recognitions
The COVID-19 pandemic impacted the education system in Uganda as a result of the measures taken by the Ministry of education and the President to close schools for 2 years. We introduced a home learning program for 83 sponsored children and ensured the students were safely kept at home but remained focused and continued with their academic studies. As a result, our candidates passed with excellency compared to the previous years.
Top performers in 2020 Final Examinations who passed with first grades as a result of the home learning
DOL used the period of lockdown to engage their college students to gain work experience in the diocese and others in Jehovah Rapha Clinic. Now, these students graduated and three are retained in the diocese and four have gotten formal employment with NGOs and are doing very well.
Yari Celina Edward was one of our Sponsored Students in midwifery.
I want to take this opportunity to thank God, the Diocese of Liwolo, and her partner CRESS UK for the Two and a half years scholarship to study Certificate in Midwifery in Lira, Uganda.
I devoted all my time and commitment to studying really hard. It has been my desire to help my fellow refugee women in the camps yet I needed this qualification. By the grace of God, I emerged as the best
student all over Uganda in midwifery in the year 2021. I couldn’t believe it. This is a dream that come true.
When you help a poor little soul with your donations, it’s never in vain, you transform lives and transform the community and the world
Alia Gloria, lived raised up with her mother and this is what she has to say,” My mother was a very poor lady who could not provide for my basic needs and I do not know the where of my father. Life was very hard and I love school but poverty was before me. A friend introduced me to Bishop Joseph Aba and that became a turning point in my life. He connects me to a sponsor and I went through education until I graduated with a Diploma in Logistics and Procurement. I am now employed with Empower one as a Logistic officer. I am able to support my mother and pursue my dreams in life. I thank EDOL and her partner
for their generous support and love”
University and college education
We have a total of 28 University and college students, 18 graduated and working, and 10 are in class. We provide tuition, industrial training, laptop, and smartphones to enhance their learning. Episcopal Diocese of Liwolo is not only interested in the holistic life transformation of these young people through education sponsorship but to a developed a new generation of Christ character leaders in their various professions, calling, and divine placement to be world changers, particularly in South Sudan. We do so by providing mentorship, student conference, and leading student conference.
A student receiving a laptop to support his studies
The agriculture team headed by the Agriculture Officer achieved a number of milestones in the projects that they implemented. Here is the list of milestones reached so far.
- Established poultry project in DOL’s office in Arua. The project started with raising 100 broiler birds for the first batch and 150 for the second batch. All sold at 5 – 7 weeks.
- Trained 76 pastors and 258 agriculture group members on the basic principles and practices of sustainable organic agriculture. The aim was to equip them with modern skills in farming that would make them improve their family feeding and income. A survey conducted at the end of 2020 showed that 80% of targeted beneficiaries reported improved dietary diversity and increased income.
- Procured and distributed 491 grafted mango seedlings, 700 oranges, 700 Jackfruit & 700 Avocado seedlings respectively. All in total 2,591 fruit trees were distributed to all the members across all the groups including the clinic garden.
- Distributed tools, assorted seeds, and other equipment to support agriculture activities in all the groups and the pastors. We have as well acquired items such as mobile tents, mats, and mattresses to provide accommodation for staff during their field activities.
What Our Beneficiaries Say About Our Projects
Below is one of our beneficiaries, Regina Konga, 50 years of age, a member of the Paji toto
agriculture/savings group. Agriculture is my major source of income for savings and for my family’s needs. In the first year, I sold the product and bought a pig. In the second year, I sold the vegetables, saved the money, and bought a goat. Finally, in 2020, I sold the vegetables, saved the money, and later bought a cow.
vegetables and added to Simsim. From the Simsim, we harvested 9 basins, equivalent to 136 Kg. Our next plan is to invest in the following 3 projects after assessing the suitability of our area;
- Production of Simsim.
- Production of Rice.
- Rearing of pigs.
This is Selina Tabu, pastor’s wife and a member of the Iyete agriculture/savings group in the Imvepi refugee camp. She says, “I harvested the vegetables, sold them, and bought chicken. We have also been eating vegetables every day, especially tomatoes, onions, spinach, and Sukuma.”
Figure 10:Food security in the refugee camp; Selina Tabu sorting her vegetables after harvest
Microfinance Project
COVID-19 did not spare the microfinance project as it impacted it so hard. Members found difficulty in meeting together for the VSLA meetings. However, through the inspiring leadership of the Microfinance/Development Officer and the hard work of the CBF in the different locations, a lot was achieved. We would want to particularly recognize the head of CBFs in Miajle, Mr. Abe Moses for his hard work, mobilization skills, and guidance of the other CBFs and VSLA groups in Mijale. Through our holistic approach to the VSLA program, we ensure members receive business skills, life skills, entrepreneurship, spiritual, health, and psychosocial support and protection for the household. Some of the milestones achieved are;
- Through the Christian Community Based Micro Finance/ Village Savings & Loan Association (CCBMF/VSLA) program, 1575 members organized in 49 groups have been reached. Over 70% of the members are females. Therefore, DOL’s mission of empowering Christian families is gradually progressing towards our goal.
- We extend our services to the groups through 10 (3 Females &7 Males) CCBMF Community-Based Facilitators who are trained and empowered with the basic principles and management skills of VSLAs. They are also renumerated to support them in doing their activities.
- Conducted 2 annual microfinance conferences at the end of each of the two years (2020 & 2021) in two locations of Imvepi and Mijale. All project beneficiaries in these locations celebrated together and shared testimonies of the impact of the interventions.
Case story of our VSLA beneficiary in Imvepi
Bangu was a business lady in Lainya County, South Sudan operating a food restaurant, selling cold drinks, and a photocopying business. She had a generator that supplied power for lighting in about 30 shops at her business location. She collected monthly fees from the shop owners for maintaining and running the generator. Her business was doing well. She supplied food for NGOs in Lainya during training besides the walk-in customers. She said life was good, there was no suffering and her children were studying in good schools because she could afford to pay their fees. When I think about that life that I left behind, I get sick and my ulcers are awakened. So, I just pray to God and keep myself focused on church and my small business.
Unfortunately, war broke out and hell broke loose. She ran into the bush with her family and relatives hoping to return shortly after the war. She had hidden some of the valuable items and money in a hole so that they could not be robbed. While in the bush she fell very ill and escaped to Juba for treatment. The situation behind became worse (people were being slaughtered in the bush) and then she implored her brother to join the other people who were fleeing to Uganda for refuge.
When her brother arrived in Uganda in 2016, he registered her children as his dependents in Imvepi Refugee Settlement. After recovery from the illness, her doctor advised her not to dig, not carry heavy things and reduce exposure to open fire while cooking. She could not return home because the war still continued hence, she traveled to Uganda to get reunited with her family.
She came to Uganda in 2018 without anything and was accommodated in a small house in Imvepi Settlement given by someone who was leaving. She was registered as a single person and now resides in Imvepi settlement, Point H, Village 12, Block A, Tank 99. The youth from the church helped her build another house using blocks and a carpet she bought but the house is now licking during rainy seasons. She now stays with her youngest child while the others are still with her brother because their food rations are with him. She hopes to be reunited with all her children in the upcoming verification exercise. Bangu got involved with the DOL VSLA project through
the church where she has been fellowshipping. The VSLA project was suitable considering her health-related problem and her previous experience in the business. She said the project has helped her survive in the settlement where everything seemed so difficult. She eats two meals a day because she spends her entire day in the market selling pancakes and cooking oil. Her health condition does not allow her to eat beans, maize, or oil. She survives on porridge and one cooked meal a day.
The loans she gets from her savings group have given her hope that things will keep improving. She took a loan when her eldest son was in S.4 to complete his school fees. He excelled very well and got a scholarship for S.5 but the support will be ending by then. She is working hard to save more for school fees for the next class because her hope is for her child to support her in the future.
She was so thankful for the idea of saving that is miraculously helping her educate her child. “Everything would have been so hard and impossible without such a project because even when I’m not feeling well, I make it an obligation to work towards saving money at the end of the week,” says Bangu.
Bangu hopes the suffering will stop and the Almighty keep us all safe to see peace come back in South Sudan. She is doing what is possible to make a difference through the projects she is involved in. She hopes to educate her children so that when they return to South Sudan, they will be able to support her since she is aging and will not be able to do some of the businesses she did before.
Bangu’s message of encouragement to the donors is that what has been done so far is great and that they should never give up because it is making a difference in many lives now and in the future. She is thankful and hoping that they are not forgotten.
Emergency interventions
Following the outbreak of COVID19 that prompted the government to institute a lockdown and subsequent government restrictions on movement, the people of Ajunyape were greatly impacted. This was further exacerbated by the displacement of the already vulnerable people from their homesteads in Ajunyape, Kerwa Subcounty by the Uganda National Forest Authority. Amidst all the difficulties, DOL was able to work closely with the local leaders to provide timely and lifesaving support through;
- Cash voucher distribution for 91 households intended for the purchase of Taplin’s/tents to raise temporary shelter. Their houses were destroyed during the eviction.
- Distribution of 600 hoes to over 400 HHs in the same village as the families lost their garden tools during the eviction process.
- 80 most vulnerable persons received blankets to keep them warm.
Logo IDP Camp
Following the sporadic armed conflicts within Liwolo Payam, many persons were displaced and settled in Logo IDP camp to seek safety and emergency aid from humanitarian agencies. Despite the high-security risks in the area, DOL managed to provide timely and appropriate support.
✓ Acting as first responders in the area, DOL provided emergency food aid through the distribution of rice to 453 HHs in the IDP camp. This intervention opened doors for many other partners to extend support to the displaced persons.
Figure 16 The Beneficiaries in Logo IDP camp attending briefing before the distribution of the Food (Rice).
Notwithstanding the leadership of the health coordinator, the department developed a five-year development plan (2018-2022). This plan consists of five thematic areas and ever since then, the project coordinator is confident to say that 90% of the plan has been achieved. However, the following thematic progress has been made towards achieving the specific targets and milestones.
Service delivery
DOL operates a clinic in Mijale, Kerwa sub-county, Yumbe district that serves the entire community including South Sudanese across the border from Liwolo. It offers medical treatment, laboratory consultations, antenatal services, and birth delivery.
The department conducts health training in the community and extends services of mass
distribution of vitamin A, deworming of children below 5 years, and distribution of multivitamins to pregnant mothers. We were able to reach refugees in the settlements of Imvepi, Omugo, and Bulomoni. In Yumbe, we worked with the health facilities in the Kerwa sub-county
Despite the challenges of COVID-19, we distributed mosquito nets and trained a number of mothers on malaria prevention, family spacing, Water Sanitation, and Hygiene in Mijale (Osubira and Pingo) and in Imvepi Refugee Settlement (Zone 3 and Zone 4). The Alur community in Imvepi was one of the beneficiaries of the health training.
We plan to extend our services in the area of HIV/AIDS awareness and prevention, eye outreach clinic, dental outreach clinic, and RUMPS training.
Human resource management
As part of our human resource development plan, two staff will be going for further studies next year. We are planning to recruit a Clinical Officer and a Comprehensive Nurse to substitute them. We also plan to reinforce the clinic with one Midwife and one Laboratory Technician when we realize the needed resources. These will be a great addition to the team that is working hard to manage the growing number of clients served.
Furniture and Equipment
Progress towards achieving a fully furnished clinic is being met steadily. We have acquired additional equipment i.e Refrigerator for the maternity, two examination beds, and more Mama kits. Our dream of having a scanner was met in the 1st quarter of the year 2020. This is a big achievement and is now praying for an X-Ray machine and a CBC (Cell Blood Count) machine. These will increase accessibility to specialized services to the people in the remote communities residing near the clinic. To ease mobility during outreach programs, we acquired a motorcycle in 2020.
We are maintaining in good condition the earlier acquired assets. We maintain an asset register that consists of the Oxygen concentrator, scanner, motorcycle, generator, Suction machine, Drip stands, weighing scales for Adults and Infants, Bedsheets, Curtains, Baby couch, Screens, Benches, BP machines both Manual and Automated, Tables, Office Chairs and plastic Chairs, Buckets, etc. These are all currently in good working condition.
Health Management Information System
We keep a database of all information coming in and going out. Records of patients, Equipment, drugs and financial records are in place. The district of Yumbe in Uganda where the clinic is located is offering registers to track patient management and the referral system from the clinic. There is a concern from the district health authorities that they need a standalone office for records. This will require the recruitment of a Records Officer when resources are realized.
The clinic is currently housed in a rented building. We are happy that the rent fee has been covered until 2022. For sustainability, we plan to construct a clinic facility to allow for the expansion and delivery of effective services to the community. We already have a piece of land but do not have the funds to construct the clinic facility and 3 more tukuls. We also plan to construct a placenta pit and an incinerator.
Health statistics
- About 11, 500 patients per year have been seen in the clinic. Major cases are Malaria, Pneumonia, and Diarrhoea mostly seen in children below 5 years and pregnant mothers. Peptic ulcers, Brucellosis, Typhoid, STIs, Skin conditions, and Eye problems are mostly seen in adults. There are also cases of Malnutrition seen in the
Figure 18 Figure 19: Photo was taken during supervision of the Albendazole, Vit. A
and MMS distribution in Imvepi this year in different locations. clinic here.
- 23,942 children received Vitamin A
- 21,974 children received Albendazole
- 3,500 pregnant mothers received
- 218 babies born in the clinic
- 1,950 expectant mothers seen in the
- 514 patients were scanned in the
- We distributed 450 Mosquito nets and trained 217 mothers on Malaria prevention, Family Spacing, Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene.
What is said about the Jehovah Rapha Clinic?
Message from the Health Coordinator
Edward Mika, DOL/CRESS Health Coordinator and in – charge of Jehovah Rapha clinic had this to say
during the end-of-year celebration;
‘’Today, I am filled with everlasting Joy and I sincerely thank everyone for honoring our invitation. This shows our good working relationship with the government of Uganda, the Ministry of Health, neighboring institutions, and the elders. This has been a year of hard work and commitment and I really thank all the clinic staff for resisting the work pressure throughout the year not forgetting the administration of the
diocese of Liwolo and its donors in ensuring that all the staff did not receive any disappointment regarding their salaries throughout the year.
I acknowledged all the various support given by Kerwa Sub–County authorities and Kerwa health center III in welcoming all the projects funded by Cress UK through its delivery partner within the year. I can assure you that the diocese of Liwolo with Cress UK is committed to improving the standard of this clinic and carryout more community health outreaches in 2022.
We have had a number of achievements as detailed in this report which was possible by the grace of God who provided for us through our donors CRESS UK and others. We pray for more blessings and growth of the Clinic in 2022.’’
Message from the In-charge of Kerwa Health Centre III
Mr. Aziku Augustus, the in-charge of Kerwa H/C III (Government health center) and DOL/CRESS CATT Counsellors, Says;
‘’I was so excited after receiving this invitation letter from my colleague in – charge Edward Mika. Our level of cooperation with Jehovah Rapha clinic is really exceptional – our patients from Kerwa health center III have benefitted on daily basis from all the equipment in the clinic throughout the year especially the scanner, Oxygen concentrator including all the various laboratory tests that are lacking in Kerwa H/C
III even myself when I became sick and as well,
the CATT skills I received which I use for treating children with all sorts of trauma. It is unfortunate that the clinic does not receive any help from the Uganda government apart from the medical record books.
Today, I’m so happy to hear about the achievements of this clinic which have been so visible to all of us in the community. I just pray to the almighty God to continue blessing all the projects that are funded by Cress UK and implemented by the diocese of Liwolo’’
Logistics, IT, and Management
DOL maintains a regularly updated asset register. As of the end of 2021, done had procured a brand new Ford Ranger double cabin. Four Yamaha Crux motorcycles were also procured for use by the staff during this 2-year period.
Field staff is all equipped with a well-maintained motorcycle to facilitate their movements to the project location sites and supervision of projects.
Every staff is equipped with a laptop to facilitate them in performing their tasks. Internet through WIFI hotspots is enabled and accessible throughout the year. This way staff can effectively communicate with partners and across the organization. This is also an email communication system for all the staff hosted by our partners to ensure the security of the communication.
Major assets maintained in the asset register are listed below;
- 2 vehicles
- 11 motorcycles
- 50 laptops
- 3 printers and a Copier
- Office furniture (Chair, Table, and file organizer) for each staff
Leadership & Management achievements
Management achievements
- The bishop of the diocese did two conferences, one to 47 community leaders at Pure, Liwolo
Payam and organize forces at Kajo-Keji Resource center to 45 officers ✓ Annual audit from 2019 -2020 was successfully done.
- Sent students to Kajo-Keji Christian university for theological training
- Conducted the first-ever diocesan Standing committee meeting which passed good resolutions. 6 diocesan policies were passed and approved for use during the meeting.
- Quarterly council meetings were conducted throughout the two years.
- Despite the challenges of COVID-19, DOL maintained all 25 staff contracts were renewed in the subsequent years.
- Precept training was conducted once in the past two years.
Achievements from the conference with the army
- The conference targeted 50 participants; however, the regularly registered participants were 45 apart from bodyguards who stayed outside but attended through the windows. The total number reached 60 participants.
- All lessons were given diligent attention, carefully and faithfully expounded, and taught. Opportunities for questions, comments and clarification, and group discussion were given. This deepened my understanding and knowledge of the word of God.
- For all the soldiers and participants who attended the conference, God opened their hearts to the gospel and their hearts were broken, they repented and received Jesus Christ as their Lord and personal Saviour. This was incredible. They committed their lives to serving the Lord Jesus Christ. That was one of the greatest confessions. They have established their faith in God. That’s very important for the soldiers to serve the civilians with humility, love, and respect for human values.
Figure 20 Soldiers received bibles
- Some of the soldiers confessed they had been hurt during the war by either the opposition rebels because some of the crimes were committed both by the rebels or SSPDF. They forgave each other and are ready to work together to see a peaceful Kajo-keji and South Sudan.
- The attitude of the soldiers and the participants who attended the conference has completely changed. The mood at the beginning was a mixture of suspicion. The second and last day was more friendly and joyous.
- The Conference also enabled the church leaders to establish a direct connection with the army commander and other leaders overseeing in outposts and in the frontline. They have agreed to work together to bring peace to the communities in Kajo Keji. This will ease communication and ensure that sensitive matters arising in the communities reach the army leaders and better amicable resolutions are reached before things run out of hand.
- During this Conference, The Bishop of the Diocese of Liwolo, Rt Rev Joseph Aba, and the Bishop of the Diocese of Kajo-Keji, Rt Rev Emmanuel Murye had a meeting with the army commander, Mr. John Kamilo to discuss issues that concerned the people and the community of Kajo-Keji. Better resolutions were reached in the meeting. The commander also received a new Arabic Bible and committed himself to study the word of God. He is ready to work with the church to see that the community of Kajo-Keji is rebuilt together again.
- All the soldiers and the participants were given Holy Bibles as they expressed their hearts to love God and walk in His ways. They were given the Bibles so they can study the word of God as they build their relationship with God
- During the Sunday service before departure, 4 children of soldiers were brought for dedication. The soldiers have realized the benefits of dedicating their children to God. This was a sign that they never kept the message of the Lord to themselves alone but shared with their families too.
Peace and reconciliation Pictorial
We are living in a fluid security situation characterized by mistrust, suspicion, accusations, arrest, and disappearance of people. These four men above were arrested at Kerwa sub-county at one of their homes socializing together. They were accused to be rebels under the influence of South Sudan security forces and imprisoned in the police station in the Kerwa sub-county, moved to the Yumbe district, transferred to Moyo, and later to Gulu by the Ugandan army. These men stayed in prison with the army for 2 months after they were proved to be innocent and moved to Arua as the security apparatus of South Sudan demanded these men be handed over to them. We intervened and requested these young men not to be handed to South Sudan through their accuser because their fate may not be guaranteed. They were handed over to the Diocese of Liwolo and we handed them over for protection to UNHCR.
Figure 22. Four men were rescued and handed over to the Diocese of Liwolo. They are now under the protection of the UN
Discipleship and evangelism
Discipleship and Jesus Film
The Diocese of Liwolo launched a series of Discipleship training for Pastors, Leaders, youth, and children which has greatly enriched them with knowledge of the Word of God. The church has grown by about 3% within the refugee settlements and in the IDP areas in South Sudan. This has been possible through support from our partners; CRESS, Precept, and Flame, and all other individuals who have made a huge financial and moral support and prayer.
Just like the other departments, the discipleship department hard to operate amidst the volatile and uncertain environment of the lockdown that restricted the movement and gathering of people. Despite these challenges of lockdown as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak, we were able to do Bible study, Jesus Film, Loud hailers ministry, and Music training. The delivery strategies had to change to work within the standard operating procedures.
As a result, we produced 52 Bible study books, which helped much in homes and Church groups in Imvepi & Bidibidi settlement camps, Mijale and Arua South Sudanese Christians. We have 157 Bible study groups, with 997 members functioning very well. In the micro-finance saving groups, 13 groups were given 4 Bibles for the Bible study. Through these initiatives members have benefited in many ways;
- God’s Word nourished them and made them spiritually mature as they responded to life’s challenges and temptations
- Regular Bible Study trained them in God’s ways. They could understand God’s ways and live
out His will.
- The Bible became their source of life and joy as they lived in God’s design.
- It created interest and personal
Spiritual growth and life change and building a strong relationship with God.
- They were able to memorize some Scriptures
Jesus Film shows conducted when the lockdown restrictions were eased had tremendous effects on the people. So many people were traumatized and needed spiritual counseling and support.
- In Pingo Church of Uganda, the Jesus Film show drew 700 people
- Jesus Film helped to spread the Good News of Jesus by showing the Film to more than 3000 people every two days
Figure 25 Jesus’ film in Logo IDP in South Sudan
- In Imvepi and Mijale, the impact of JF ministry on Church growth has been tremendous. The most recent strategy aims at organizing Bible study groups.
- In the last two months of the year, nearly 7 Jesus Film shows were made. Of those 45o people have made a decision to follow Christ.
Figure 26 Sunday school and youths
Loud hailers project
The loud hailer speaker centers have offered an opportunity to meet the high demand for Christian teaching in the four locations of Mijale, Matu, and Imvepi settlement camps. These stations are used for passing out announcements, public teaching in Education and Health, and preaching the word
of God. They have helped the communities during the lockdown period very well.
He who sings prays twice. We were able to conduct music training for youth at DOL. We did a one-month music training for 10 Youths on various instruments that included the set of drums, piano, and guitar. These youth were able to use their skills gained during the Sponsored students’ conference where they played excellent music for the participants.
The discipleship department was also privileged to implement a reading Glasses distribution project in Mijale and Imvepi. Noting that many disciples of Christ could not read the bible because of eyesight issues, DOL provided 140 Reading glasses for beneficiaries in Imvepi and Mijale among whom included Church Leaders and SVPF
What our beneficiaries had to say:
Before I received the glasses, my eyes would tear when I read for long but now, I don’t experience it. Reading in an open place under the sunshine affected my eyes in a way that letters seem mixed up and the words appear black. But now I don’t get disturbed under the sun while using the glasses. During prayer service in the church, the lighting is so low that I cannot read the bible without glasses but now that is possible with the blessing of the glasses given to me. Thank you
The challenges I used to face while reading the bible have reduced ever since I received these glasses. The words used to appear white but now with the glasses, everything is clear. I was not able to read when it is dim especially late in the evening and early in the morning but now, I can read clearly. I thank God for this miracle and the generous hands that have donated towards this project. When I was reading those days, I had to put the Bible near my eyes because I would not see the words clearly from afar. But
Mr. Chaplain Abu, now I don’t have such challenges. Thank you Dol and CRESS UK for always remembering us and providing us with free reading glasses which are very expensive in the market for us to afford.
Financial Reports
2020-2021 Financial Statements
Financial and Operational Highlights | ||
Financial Statistics | 2020 | 2019 |
UGX | UGX | |
Statement of Financial Performance | ||
Donations & Local Collections | 1,115,108,550 | 667,671,638 |
Expenditures | (1,032,156,848) | (654,548,769) |
Surplus for the year | 82,951,703 | 13,122,869 |
Statement of Financial Position | ||
Assets | ||
Non-Current assets | 94,346,245 | 98,072,395 |
Current assets | 154,793,442 | 108,437,097 |
Total Assets | 249,139,686 | 206,509,492 |
Reserves & Liabilities | ||
Capital reserves | 94,346,245 | 98,072,395 |
Accumulated fund | 130,963,122 | 53,011,421 |
Current Liabilities | 23,830,320 | 55,425,676 |
Total Reserves | 249,139,686 | 206,509,492 |
Statement of Cashflows | ||
Net cash flows used in operating activities | 46,356,346 | 50,240,194 |
Closing Cash and Cash Equivalents | 154,793,442 | 108,437,097 |
2020-2021 Cash Expenditure
Details | Receipts (USD) | Expenditure (USD) | Balance (USD) |
Administration | 128,281.69 | 128,450.26 | (168.57) |
Agriculture | 14,977.46 | 14,719.37 | 258.09 |
Bishop’s mission | 3,548.23 | 3,560.34 | (12.11) |
CATTS | 5,797.46 | 5,792.91 | 4.54 |
Clinic | 29,006.09 | 28,700.00 | 306.09 |
Community Health | 4,857.46 | 4,777.14 | 80.31 |
Discipleship | 6,880.03 | 6,838.86 | 41.17 |
Education | 46,817.14 | 44,752.54 | 2,064.60 |
Investment | 13,899.29 | 1,715.77 | 12,183.51 |
Logistics | 2,854.20 | 2,940.14 | (85.94) |
Microfinance | 13,763.86 | 12,287.06 | 1,476.80 |
Mother’s Union | 128.57 | 65.71 | 62.86 |
Pastors support | 542.86 | 539.00 | 3.86 |
Relief & Covid 19 | 3,665.71 | 3,621.00 | 44.71 |
Revenue | 12,972.00 | 5,927.14 | 7,044.86 |
Total | 287,992.03 | 264,687.26 | 23,304.77 |