Our Partners

Christian Relief and Education in South Sudan (CRESS UK)
Precept Ministry Tear Fund
Madi and West Nile diocese
Diocese of Kajo-keji
We regularly run projects on behalf of our major donor, Christian Relief and Education for South Sudan (CRESS) from UK including coordination with Precept ministries that offers discipleship trainings to church leaders, Madi & West Nile Diocese, Uganda Red Cross Society among other partners.
Christian Relief and Education in South Sudan (CRESS UK)

It has been my joy and pleasure to have partnered with the Diocese of Liwolo since May 2017
However, I have worked with Bishop Joseph Aba, his staff and people since the foundation of CRESS in 2010. Bishop Joseph has led with integrity, honesty, transparency, faith and hard work for all the 10 years. This example has been followed by his staff and people and has led to the flourishing of the work of CRESS
This relationship resulted from a clear call from the Lord God to myself in September 2009 and I am so delighted that I was able to respond with the words “YES Lord send me”.
The fruit of this work and relationship has been many lives changed through education and training. The amazing Jehovah Rapha clinic has gone from strength to strength each year building on the good work of the previous ones. The agriculture and micro finance groups have been a great success and again attention to detail, faith and hard work has built a firm foundation to this work and outreach teaching in the refugee camps.
The continuous education of the sponsored children has given a visible result of when a relationship and commitment is not broken over a whole decade. The recent graduates securing jobs and we look forward to the current graduates following in their steps and becoming leaders amongst their own people with a strong Christian Faith
During 2019 some 16,000 South Sudanese Refugees and host community were touched by CRESS in some way that has helped them on the path to sustainable life. This is a HUGE achievement and testament to the faithfulness of God.
This work and partnership with the Diocese of Liwolo is summed up by St Paul in
Galatians 6:9, NIV: “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.”
Caroline Lamb
Founder and Chair of Trustees CRESS
Tear Fund
Tearfund South Sudan has worked in partnership with the Diocese of Liwolo (DOL) for a Period of a year implementing a Belgian Government funded project entitled Bridging the Gap: the role of local faith Actors in humanitarian response.
Under the above project, we trained DOL staff on humanitarian response project design, implementation and reporting. Subsequently, we supported DOL to implement a successful education-in-emergency project in Pure and Korijo IDP camps along the South Sudan – Uganda border. Unfortunately, we could not continue to support DOL as the Bridging the Gap project ended in December 2019. Nonetheless, we look forward to working with DOL when a similar opportunity arises.
I therefore recommend DOL for any support from individuals, institutions or organisations
Thank you
Anthony Rama Country Director Tearfund – South Sudan ECSS Compound I Hai Jerusalem I Juba Email: anthooy.rmna@tearfund.ore t: +211926444161, +211917534259
Precept Ministry

Precept Ministry international is training pastors and church leaders in diocese of Liwolo since 2018, the training started with 21 learners and now the number had reached to 35. The learners are from different dioceses and from different places like Kerwa sub county in Mijale, Go’bor, Bidi bidi refugee camp, Imvepi refugee camps and others are within Arua town and the learners are equipped with discipleship materials to forms groups in their churches and give the impact report of their work. The training is done in a way that the learners comes for ten days training, and within this period of time the learners attend to lectures, and are given assignments, tests and examination at the end of each training

“Just want you know that from the time God brought us together in 2017, we have never looked back. Working particularly with you Bishop Joseph and the Dioceses of Liwolo in general has surpassed our dreams and expectations. Through you we have been able to train and impact leaders and through them we have reached hundreds and thousands. Your leadership, your leadership structure, the corporation and the heart and love for your people that has trickled down to the men and women you work with has been a great to challenge that we rarely see in the different parts of the world. Thank for giving us an opportunity and making our partnership one of the healthiest one. I pray you be well by the grace of the Lord God most high. Shalom”