Goal: Improve the capacity of rural-household on livelihood skills for sustainable food security and financial sufficiency.

  • 12 Community Based Facilitators trained holistically on the Village saving and loan association (VSLA) program; 30 refugee household heads in 30 saving groups received saving materials and training.
  • 12 community based facilitators (CBFs) received bicycles to facilitate their movements during coordination and supervision of 30 savings groups of a membership of 30 each.
  • 461 businesses have been initiated as a result of the trainings in entrepreneurship, discipleship and saving methodology.
  • 5400 people benefited through improved household income from the savings group members.

Distribution Of Water Filters

Community Based Facilitators (CBFs) received water filters donated by Christian Relief and Education in South Sudan (CRESS UK). These have enabled many of the CBFs families to drink clean water in the communities where water supplied is not 100% safe to drink.
It has therefore reduced the risks of water born disease outbreak in the communities.