Food aid for 100 vulnerable persons in Imvepi Refugee Settlement

Outcome of the distribution to the people in the camp
1000 kgs of maize flour packaged in 10 kg sacks, 500kgs of beans packaged in 5kg sacks, and 5 cartons of 40 pieces each were procured and delivered to the distribution point in Imvepi. Out of the 100 targeted vulnerable people, 100 were served. 100 beneficiaries were served with each receiving 10kgs of maize four, 5 kgs of beans and 2 sachets of salt (500g each). The team in the distribution point headed by Rev. Jacob Karaba had organised the beneficiaries to maintain social distancing guidelines and we together did the distribution exercise as a team successfully. Video recorded testimonies of joy were given by some beneficiaries in Kakwa language. The pastors spoke on their behalf as well to summarise their messages in English language. These recorded messages will be shared together with the report together with the photos taken during the distribution.
Feedback and comments
- The Pastors and the vulnerable people in Imvepi Refugees Settlement thanked and appreciated the diocese of Liwolo and Barnabas Fund for the aid extended during this time of COVID- 19. They asked God to bless the plans and all the proposals for them to receive more next time.
- Two vulnerable persons voluntarily asked us to take their testimonies to thank the management of Diocese of Liwolo and the donor (Barnabas Fund) for remembering them during these hard times. They were all excited for the food package they received. They asked God to bless the two offices for them to get more to continue supporting them.
- Pictures during the distribution are attached in this report while the videos will be sent through WhatsApp.

Greetings to you in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.This is a great moment from Uganda, I would love to bring to you the word of Our Lord.
I am Rt Rev Joseph Aba the Bishop of the diocese of Liwolo who is in partnership with Cress UK, Christian Relief and Education in South Sudan.
I want to bring a message to you today, to encourage you, to strengthen you and to lift up your soul and your spirit.
We are living in the time of fear , anxiety, and stress because of the COVID 19 that have challenged, disorganized, disrupted the social lives of the people and everyone live in mercy of fear and despair therefore I know that you might be there in your house , you don’t know what to do but I wanted to share with you the same experience of king Judea, King Jehoshaphat in 2 Chronicles chapter 20, the whole chapter.
King Jehoshaphat heard a report from his high intelligence people that the three nations, the Ammonites, the Moabites and some of the Meunites have organized themselves with all the army in multitude to come and attack them with purpose of rooting out the children of Israel from the promised land. When the news reached the king, he didn’t know what to do, this is equally the same with the Corona Virus broke out in China.
It took the world with surprise, they don’t know what to do, confused not only the nation, even every single individual was taken by surprise, by sock. He / she didn’t know what to do and I know you must be one of them who is stressed, distressed, in fear and despair but I want to bring to you the message of hope even in the middle of distress
Our hope is not in our weapon, our hope is not in our medicine, our hope is not in our economy, but our hope is from the creator of the heaven and the earth who is omnipotent, who is omniscient and who actually knew very well
at a time like this, the humanity will cause for himself this kind of suffering and I want to aware you as being an omniscient God, He has already planned a way of exit for you and for the entire world from this pandemic which has brought the world in to their knees.
King Jehoshaphat discovered that the better way he can defeat those army is not by his own strength, but when he depends on the power and on the resources of the Lord. He gathered the whole nation for prayer and fasting and do you know what happened? The Lord who is listening to the prayer of his people heard their prayers and He came in to their rescue. He said to king Jehoshaphat and the people of Judea , take your position , take your peace , this battle is not yours, this battle belongs to me and He fought and set a spirit of confusion in to the army of Moab and all of them killed themselves and millions of millions of the soldiers laying dead on the ground.
Therefore, what do I mean to say in this context, that the battle of Corona Virus we can’t fight it on our own, but God will fight on our behalf. I want to tell you to be strong in faith, be strong in the Lord. Don’t be discouraged, don’t be dismayed, He said to Joshua and God is saying to you today that don’t get discouraged by anything, listen to what the leaders of our country are saying guiding us on what to do, stay at home, keep social distance, wash your hands. Those are the guidance of our leadership, therefore, we have to take our role as the family to pray, to seek God’s face for God to take this sickness out in the face of the world so that we can be able to come back on our normal lives.
Its my prayer to you and anyone who is reading this message today that your soul will be lifted up, you will be encouraged, you will be strengthened, you will rise up in your faith. I strongly belief that at the end of this Corona virus, the world will rise up and the world will be strong again and will not be defeated again.
Therefore, the mercy of the Lord and the grace of the Lord is so sufficient to you, I pray today that you will be strengthened and you will be built up in Jesus name I pray for you Amen.
Sponsored college students who have completed their Diplomas and Degree in 2020 and are looking for jobs

The sponsored college students who completed their diplomas and Degree last year 2020 are looking for jobs in your NGOs, companies, and public places to work in their different fields of expertise.
You can contact us at our email address:
Tel Phone Number: 0772615115
Look out for more details in the Education department.

Following the break out of the COVID 19 on 22/3/2020 the projects of the diocese that requires fieldwork have been stopped due to restrictions on movement, projects such as agricultural group meetings, and other agricultural training
Secondly, the widow project of distribution of Bari Bible has come to standstill because of the lockdown said by Mama Bishop Yunia Yango Window Project Coordinator.
Lastly, the normal diocese administration has closed in the meantime due to the COVID 19 directive! Therefore, generally, the activities of the diocese have come to stand still!