Distribution of Bari Bibles to Widows in Mijale

Mama Bishop Yunia Yango praying for the widows who received the Bari Bibles

The first phase of distribution was done in Mijale for the IDPs . A total of  115 widows/widowers received the bibles. They were very happy for receiving the word of God in their lives. Before distributing the Bibles, the word of God was first preached to them, and they were very happy. After hearing the  word of God, that touched the hearts of other widows, 8 of them were able to surrender their lives to Christ.The widows requested all of us to pray for them so that the good Lord will find other partners to help them with more support.

However, due to the current corona virus, we are unable to distribute the remaining Bibles to the beneficiaries. we are hopeful that when the situation gets better, we will distribute the balance of the Bibles.

Let us keep praying so that God will open other ways and also pray that the current pandemic calms down. 

Below are some of the photos taken during the distribution of the bible

Mama Bishop Yunia encouraging the widows to be strong and put their hopes in God
Widows who gave their lives to Jesus Christ

Testimonies from the windows

Konga Jerisa was faced with a lot of challenges when she was having no Bible,

 1- life was hard with a lot of thinking about the past things.

2- Staying alone most times, no one to help me and sometimes I cry.

3- lack of food for the family and other necessary things like clothing’s, blankets, bed sheets

 4- No way I can pay school fees for the children.

Then when I received the Bible it has become the solution to my problems, whenever those difficulties come to my mind l get the Bible and read it and forget some of the problems. So, I thank God for changing my life and I also thank the donors for helping and supporting me.

 Thanks, God bless you.

Agnes Poni was faced with a lot of these challenges before,

 1- Lost hope after the death of the husband.

2- Staying alone most times, and defeated with life.

3- Unable to support the family.

 4- I stopped praying.

After receiving the Bibles, I gained hope and faith and started trusting God So, I thank God for changing my life and I also thank the donors for helping and supporting me.

 Thanks, God bless you.